Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Mango Peach Milk Shake for Two

     I'm working on remaking my milk shake recipes since we are beginning to get warm weather and my previous recipes using Silk Fruit & Protein Mixed Berry drink is no longer available.  Following is the beginning of my series of new milk shake recipes.  I hope they keep you cool.

                                                  Mango Peach Milk Shake for Two

6 peach slices, peel removed
2 scoops lactose free vanilla ice cream
3 scoops mango sorbet scoops

     Put the peaches, scoops of lactose free vanilla ice cream and two scoops of mango sorbet in a blender.  Blend until smooth.   Pour into two glasses.  Put a scoop of mango sorbet on the top of each milk shake and a straw and serve.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Honey Mustard Dressing and Salmon Salad

     I recently took an adventurous cross country train trip.  Train travel is very different from plane or car travel, to say the least.  It is life at a slow pace.  You can see the country very close up and meet other people because in the dining car you sit four to a table so there were always two other people at our table that my husband and I didn't know.  Usually that was good, sometimes we hurried through our meal.  My suggestion if you are spending any nights on the train is to get at least a roomette.  My husband and I were comfortable in that space although if you don't like to be in small spaces you might want to consider something larger.  Sleeping in a real bed makes all the difference in how you feel about travel.  Also there are bumps along the way sometimes.  Remember these are the same tracks used by freight trains and they have priority over passenger trains.
     The food on the train was surprisingly good.  I, of course, was limited in what I could eat.  However, they provided soy milk for cereal, no dairy in the scrambled eggs, and made other exceptions such as leaving off sauces.  All in all it way as successful vacation.

                                                Honey Mustard Dressing and Salmon Salad

Honey mustard dressing
2 cups mayonnaise
1/4 cup dijon style mustard
1/4 cup honey
     Mix all ingredients together until smooth.  Refrigerate.  Makes 2 1/2 cups

Salmon Salad
7 1/2 oz. canned salmon, pink or red
3 tblsp. mayonnaise
1 tblsp. sweet pickle relish
1 head of butter lettuce
1/4 cup shredded carrots

     Drain the canned salmon and pick out the bones and brown part of the salmon.  Mix the remaining salmon with the mayonnaise and pickle relish.
     On two luncheon plates arrange the cleaned butter lettuce.  Put a large scoop of the salmon salad in the middle.  Sprinkle the shredded carrots around the lettuce.  Drizzle 1 to 2 tblsp. of the honey mustard dressing on the lettuce carrots.  Serves 2.