Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wedge Salad

     I know I have taken another few weeks off for a vacation and to work on my first cookbook.  I'm back now and hope to write in my blog more regularly.
     I have chosen a wedge salad because they are so popular in restaurants and usually have one or more ingredients I can't have.  If I ask for too many changes, the salad no more resembles what it set out to be so I decided to make it for myself at home.  Here is my version which I hope you enjoy.

                                                           Wedge Salad

2/3 cup mayonnaise
3 tblsp. lactose free milk
1/4 tsp. each herbes de Provence, dill weed, onion powder and garlic salt

     Mix together and set aside

     Cook 4 slices of regular or turkey bacon until crisp and drain on a paper towel.
     Chop 1/4 cup of pecans.

     Measure out 4 tsp. goat cheese crumbles or cut 4 tsp. off a roll of goat cheese and crumble.

     To assemble 2 wedge salads cut a head of lettuce in half and cut one half in half again.  Those halves will go on the serving plates.  The remaining half head of lettuce can be wrapped and returned to the refrigerator.

     On each wedge on the plate pour 3 tblsp. salad dressing, crumble 2 slices of the bacon, 2 tblsp. of the pecans and 2 tsp. of the goat cheese crumbles.