Sunday, January 31, 2016

Herb Olive Dip

     I apologize for being away for so long.  My husband and I have been traveling and working on our house (and anyone who has done that knows how consuming that can be) but I think we are home to stay for a while and our home and yard are finished so I can go back to testing recipes.  I have to be honest and tell you that several I have tested went immediately in the waste basket they were so awful, but I have tested a few now that are winners and now I can get back on a schedule of sharing good recipes with you.
     Next Sunday is the Super Bowl and time again to stare down the buffet table at probably nothing you can eat.  The best way to solve this is to bring something you can eat and share with others.  This dip is thick enough to mold into a ball and you can spread it on crackers.  I also enjoy it when I have soup.

                                                               Herb Olive Dip

1 tsp. chopped green olives with pimientos
1 tsp. chopped capers with 1/2 tsp caper liquid from the bottle
6 kalamata olives, chopped
1/2 tsp. basil
1/2 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. lemon pepper
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tblsp. nuts
1 ea. 8 oz. soy cream cheese, softened

     Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender.  Process until all ingredients are combined.  Scoop out into a small mold lightly sprayed with vegetable spray.  Refrigerate at least one hour.  Carefully turn out onto serving plate.  Use a spatula to repair any damage from the transfer or if it completely didn't come out,  respray the mold, put the dip back in and refrigerate at least two hours.