Monday, November 26, 2012

Hot Chocolate and other hot beverages

     There's a cold wind blowing outside and you're all snuggled up by the fire drinking a cup of cocoa to keep you nice and warm inside.  Okay, that might be stretching it for those of us in Southern California, but it does get cold and damp, at least to us, and we want something hot to drink too.  But if you have eating disabilities, your options are limited: no coffee, no tea, no cocoa mixes, no alcoholic beverages.  Somehow a glass of water when everyone else has their favorite drink in hand doesn't hit the spot.
     I have found two solutions.  The first is portable.  I keep a small bag of individual instant portion packets of Splenda flavors that are usually mixed into coffee.  (Please note that I do not represent Splenda and am not being paid by them) Usually these are kept on hand in the coffee room in offices, but you can buy them online for thirty in a box if you can't find them in the grocery store.  I tried french vanilla, hazelnut and mocha and like mocha the best.  They are small enough for a man to keep a couple in a shirt pocket or his wallet.  When I go to a restaurant, I ask for a pot of hot water and a cup.  You would be amazed at how many waiters will bring you the pot and you will have to send them back for the cup.  Depending on how big the pot is you will need one or two packets.  Now when I go out I have something I can drink that is hot and I know I won't have any digestive problems.
     The second is my recipe for hot chocolate.

                                                                    Hot Chocolate

1 1/2 cups lactose free milk
3 tblsp. dairy free semi-sweet chocolate chips

Cook over a low-med. flame stirring frequently until the chips are melted.  This takes some time, so be patient.  It may be easier to chop the chocolate chips in the food processor first.   Makes 1 serving

Next time I will share my recipe for Bavarian Mousse.  It is easy, delicious, and can be served as a company dessert.  What could be better for the holidays?

See you next time.

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