Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Relearning How to Eat

      My name is Joan Oaks-Clark and I am a fellow GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) sufferer.  I was first diagnosed over twenty years ago.  Since then gastritis and then lactose intolerance have been added to the list.  I have seen many doctors, had many tests and taken many drugs.  I have a pile of books telling me what I can't eat and mostly what they do is make me depressed.

     I am on several medications still and under the care of a doctor.  What I noticed while reading some of these books is that what they were saying didn't seem to apply to me.  I have a friend with similar symptoms and some things I can eat she can't and vice versa, so I have come to the conclusion the GERD, gastritis, and lactose intolerance are all like snowflakes, everyone is different.  Each person has to figure out what works for them.  Now I am NOT a doctor or nutritionist so don't take my word as medical advice, I am just saying what I have learned works for me.

     I decided instead of reading these books and focusing on what I couldn't eat, I would focus on what I could eat.  Cooking and baking are two of my passions so I was sure I could come up with tasty dishes.  Mexican and Italian foods are two of my favorites, but how do you make them if you can't have tomatoes or cheese?  In future blogs I will share some of my recipes.

     All of the books I read said NO chocolate.  What's the point of living?  I have found if I don't have it in large quantities or frequently I can have nondairy chocolate.  This can be found at health food stores or on the internet.  My family can't tell the difference if I use nondairy chocolate in all my baking.

     Look for more next time on how I handle the triple threat of GERD, gastritis, and lactose intolerance.



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