Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lemon Dessert Shot and Coffee Dessert Shot

     This is my second selection of dessert shots.  I intend to work on some for the future because I think they would be so versatile to make for a variety for a buffet, to make one for a small dessert after a dinner party, or to have a small dessert to have on hand whenever you wanted it.  You can also use these recipes as inspiration to make your own dessert shots.  If you don't have small glasses, you can use wine glasses, or use small baking dishes.

                                                               Lemon Dessert Shot

4 ea. 4 oz. shot or dessert dishes
3.4 oz. lemon instant pudding and pie filling
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
2 1/4 cups nondairy whipped topping
5 oz. jarred lemon curd

     Make pudding as directed for pie filling using the pudding and milk.  Fold together 2 cups of the nondairy whipped topping and lemon curd until smooth.
     Layer half of the pudding mixture, then divide the whipped topping mixture between the four dishes, then top with pudding mixture.  Divide the 1/4 cup whipped topping between the four dishes. Serves 4.

                                                             Coffee Dessert Shot

4 ea. wine glasses or other dessert dishes
3.4 oz. cheesecake instant pudding pie filling
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1 1/2 tsp. instant coffee
2 tsp. hot water
2 plus 1/2 tsp. chopped almonds
2 plus 1/2 tsp. nondairy chocolate chips
4 tblsp. nondairy whipped topping

     Dissolve coffee in hot water and cool.  Mix pudding, milk, and coffee/water mixture according to pie directions on box.  Spoon in half of mixture into four glasses.  Top with 1 tsp. chopped almonds and 1 tsp. chocolate chips.  Spoon remaining pudding mixture on top and top with 1 tblsp. whipped topping, 1/2 tsp. chopped almonds and 1/2 tsp. chocolate chips. Serves 4.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for peach cobbler.  We have a peach tree and all of our peaches were ripe at once and I needed to find a good recipe quickly.  I'm pleased with the one I found and reworked and I'll be happy to share it with you.  See you next time. 

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