Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Apple Cheesecake Dessert Shot and Pumpkin Mousse Cheesecake Dessert Shot

     For those looking for something different than the traditional pumpkin and pecan pie for Thanksgiving and looking for a dessert that they know will be lactose free, here are two suggestions.  I suggest you make them at least one day ahead to let the spices completely flavor the dessert.  If you can, serve them in clear glasses so the layers are visible, put plastic over the dessert to prevent a skin from forming and put the nondairy topping and cookies on just before serving.

                                                         Apple Cheesecake Dessert Shot

4 ea. 1 1/2 cup drink glasses
3.4 oz. cheesecake flavor instant pudding mix
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1 20 oz. can apple pie filling (divided in quarters)
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/2 cup nondairy whipped topping
4 shortbread cookies for desserts and more to serve along side (optional)

     Make the pudding as directed on the box using the lactose free milk.  Divide in quarters and spoon into the glasses.  Scoop the apple pie filling into a bowl.  Gently fold in the nutmeg and cloves.  Spoon into the glasses on top of the pudding.  Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
     Spoon two tablespoons of nondairy whipped topping on each dessert and add a shortbread cookie and serve immediately.  Serve more cookies on the side.

                                                            Pumpkin Mousse Cheesecake                                             

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup nondairy whipped topping
1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
3.4 oz. cheesecake instant pudding mix
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1/2 cup pumpkin
1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup nondairy whipped topping
4 ea. ginger snaps plus more to serve along side (optional)

     In one bowl mix one half cup canned pumkin, nondairy whipped topping and pumpkin pie spice.  Spoon into dessert glasses.
     In another bowl mix the pudding mix into the lactose free milk and make according to package directions.  Mix in half cup pumpkin, and pumpkin spice.  Spoon into dessert glasses and cover until ready to serve. 
     When ready to serve, spoon two tablespoons of nondairy whipped topping on each dessert and add a ginger snap and serve immediately.  Serve more cookies on the side.
     Next week I will share my recipe for meatloaf.  I have spent my adult life looking for a way to make a good meatloaf and I finally have.  More about my unsuccessful attempts next time.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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