Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chocolate Toffee Shortbread Bars

   There are several variations of this recipe, some using graham crackers for the crust and others using soda crackers for the crust.  I liked this one the best because it is a crispy crust and not too sweet which makes a contrast to the chocolate and the toffee. 
     These bars are rich so I suggest cutting them in small pieces.  One of the reasons is the dairy butter in the toffee.  It is the third ingredient listed so proportionally to the recipe it is a small amount, but if you think it will bother you, substitute a second ingredient you would like.  If you can't find another dairy-free chip, try finely chopped dried fruit.

                                                  Chocolate Toffee Shortbread Bars

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 plus 2 tlbs. sugar
1 stick (8 tlbsp. margarine) softened
1 tlbsp. soy cream cheese
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup dairy free semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped toasted almonds
1/2 cup Heath Toffee Bits

     Spray a 8-in. square baking dish with vegetable spray.  Measure the flour and sugar into the bowl of a stand mixer.  After stirring together, add the paddle and beat in the margarine at med-low speed one tablespoon at a time until all the margarine is in and it is crumbly,1-2 minutes.  Add soy cream cheese and vanilla and beat until clumps just begin to form, about 30 seconds.  Knead the dough by hand until it forms a ball.  Using your fingers, press into prepared baking dish and bake until light golden brown, about 20 min. at 375.  Keep on eye on this and rotate the dish half way through baking if necessary.
     Remove from oven and sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over warm dough and let stand until melted, about 3 min.  Using an offset spatula, spread chocolate in an even layer, sprinkle toffee bits, then nuts.  Gently press into warm chocolate.
     Allow to cool 20-30 minutes.  Slice into small bars or to make a nicer presentation, slice in the diagonal to make diamonds.  Bars will be cool and ready to eat in about 45 minutes.

     Next time I will share my recipe for Herb Mashed Potato-Stuffed Chicken.  When I first saw this recipe I thought it was crazy, but the more I thought about it the more intrigued I became, so I reworked it so I could eat it and was very pleased with the results.  I hope you will be too.
     Until next time.

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