Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pineapple Cream Cake

     The very best pineapple I ever ate was at the Dole pineapple plant in Hawaii before it closed.  It was before I had my digestive issues and I still remember how sweet it tasted.  Fresh pineapple is not in my life anymore nor is pineapple packed in its own juice.  But I can have pineapple packed in heavy syrup.  While I'm sure some people won't consider that the healthy choice, if that's your only way to have pineapple, then I say enjoy!

                                                             Pineapple Cream Cake

1 8 oz. can crushed pineapple in heavy syrup
1 yellow cake mix using water as one of its ingredients
1/4 tsp. pineapple extract
1 3/4 oz. pkg. vanilla or lemon instant pudding mix
1 3/4 cups lactose free milk
1 8 oz. tub non-dairy whipped topping

Drain pineapple, reserve juice, set pineapple aside.

Make cake mix as directed using pineapple juice and extract plus enough water to equal the amount directed on package.  Bake in two 8 or 9-inch round pans according to directions on cake mix box.  Cool completely on racks.

Meanwhile, mix pudding as directed using 1 3/4 cups lactose free milk.  Put in refrigerator to set up.

When cake is completely cooled, place first layer on a serving plate.  Mix pineapple into 1 cup of prepared pudding.  Save remaining pudding for another use.  Spread half of pudding/pineapple mixture on cake.  Place second layer on top and spread remaining pudding/pineapple mixture on top.  Spread whipped topping around sides.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  Leftover topping may be used when serving cake.

Next time I will be sharing my recipe for pulled pork sandwiches.  I have missed barbeque for so long and have been trying to figure out how to have the flavor that wasn't too hot and spicy and didn't have tomatoes in it.  Well I have finally found it and I will be happy to share my secret with you.  See you next time.

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