Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kahlua Flavored Chocolate Cheesecake

     First I would like to explain my absence of the last two weeks.  After a valiant fight, my mother lost her fourth battle with cancer.  She was ninety-one and lived a very productive life in the community and her church in addition to raising a family and having a marriage that lasted for sixty-four years.  We will all miss her but we know that she is in a better place now and no longer suffering.
     This is one of the best cheesecakes I have ever made.  My husband is raving about it to everyone.  I used an 8-inch springform pan.  Usually since it is just my husband and me eating whatever I make I freeze half of the cheesecake because no matter how good they are, we get a little tired of eating them before they are gone.  Not so with this one, we were happy to continue to have a slice everyday until it was gone.  I hope you enjoy it as well.

                                            Kahlua Flavored Chocolate Cheesecake

15 ea. Oreos, crushed
2 tblsp. stick margarine, melted

2 ea. 8 oz. soy cream cheese
2 ea. 5.5 goat cheese
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. coffee extract
1 tsp. chocolate extract
1/4 cup sugar
2 tblsp. Kahlua flavoring for coffee
2 tblsp. chocolate flavoring for coffee

3/4 cup nondairy chocolate chips
2 tblsp. lactose free milk

     Crust:  Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine the crushed Oreos with the melted margarine.  Press into the bottom of a springform pan that has been sprayed with vegetable spray.  Bake for 7 minutes.  Remove from oven and set aside.

     Filling:  Lower the oven temperature to 350 degrees.  Combine all filling ingredients in a bowl and beat with an electric mixer and mix until smooth.  Pour over crust and smooth over the top.  Place in the oven with oven proof bowls of water around it.  This is to keep the cheesecake from cracking on top.  I know you are supposed to put your cheesecake pan in a bowl or pan of water but I have never done this successfully without ending up with a soggy cheesecake even though I had a new pan.
     Bake about 45 minutes.  Check throughout baking.  The center is supposed to be set when the cheesecake is done.  Turn off oven and leave cheesecake in oven for 10 minutes.  Meanwhile make the topping.

Topping:  In a microwave safe bowl melt the chocolate chips and the milk.  Mix together until smooth.  Take the cheesecake out of the oven after the 10 minutes and gently smooth the chocolate with an offset knife.  Let the cheesecake cool to room temperature and then refrigerate at least three hours before serving.

     Next week I will continue with flavored milk shakes in honor of the hot weather we have been having.  Until then.


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