Friday, June 20, 2014

Raspberry Mixed Berry Milk Shake

     I am so envious when I go out with my family or friends and they order a malt or milk shake and I can't have one, but soon after we get home I know I will be making one for myself.  This is one of my latest recipes.  You could change this into a smoothie for breakfast by leaving out the ice cream and nondairy whipped topping and substituting fruit.  Either way, enjoy!

                                             Raspberry Mixed Berry Milk Shake

1 1/2 cups lactose free vanilla ice cream
1/4 cup soy mixed berry fruit and protein drink
3 tblsp. raspberry flavoring for coffee
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. raspberry extract
1/4 cup nondairy whipped topping

     Place all ingredients except the nondairy whipped topping in a bowl with tall sides or a blender.  If using a bowl, gently use a stick blender just until the ice cream is broken down enough to mix with the other ingredients.  If using a blender, combine just until you get the same result.  Gently fold in the nondairy whipped topping.  Be sure to serve this in a clear glass because it is a pretty pink color.
     Next week I will share another milk shake, strawberry, banana, cherry milk shake.  Until then.    

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