Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blackberry Raspberry Cheesecake

     I realize I have been absent for many months.  After my mother passed away, my husband and I decided we needed a change of scenery and decided to move.  We found a house we liked that was under construction which meant we were in a time constraint to sell our home.  Apparently that wasn't a problem because our home sold in three days.  The only problem was after living in our home for 29 years there was much purging to be done and limited time to do it.  The couple who bought our home generously rented our home back to us for one month so that we could finish packing and our new house could finish being built.
     If this was all that was going on in our lives that would have been enough, but of course it wasn't.  Just before we moved we attended a destination wedding for one of our nieces and two days after we moved we attended another destination wedding.
     When we came back we had one month to get our home presentable for guests staying with us for the shower of our second grandchild.
     Several days after everyone went home we left on a month long vacation to spend birthdays with our first grandchild and our daughter.
     By the time we got home my husband and I were exhausted.  It had been five months since we had sold our home until we returned from our vacation and we felt displaced.  Now we were finally going to have the chance to feel like we were home. 
     Most of our boxes are unpacked now and I have found most of what belongs in the kitchen.  I have been testing recipes.  Most have been a success, some after I remade them.  Some were hopeless.  But I have been working on quite a few to round out a fairly even number in all categories in the hope of making a cook book of them.  More about that later.
     Today's recipe is blackberry raspberry cheesecake.  You will notice that I will be including Splenda in future recipes.  My husband and I have both been told by our doctor that we need to watch certain parts of our diets and cutting down on sugar will help.

                                              Blackberry Raspberry Cheesecake

Crust   9 in. springform pan
2 1/2 tablespoons stick margarine, melted
7 Oreos
8 squares graham crackers

2 ea. 8 oz. soy cream cheese, softened
2 ea. 5.5 oz. goat cheese, softened
2 eggs
1/4 cup Splenda
2 tblsp. blackberry spreadable fruit
2 tblsp. raspberry spreadable fruit
1 tsp. vanilla ext.
1 tsp. raspberry ext.
1 tsp. blackberry ext.

1/4 cup each blackberry and raspberry spreadable fruit

     To make the crust, spray the inside of the pan with vegetable cooking spray.  Crush the Oreos and graham crackers together and mix with the melted margarine.  Press in the bottom of the pan.  Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven for 7 minutes.  Set aside.
     To make the filling put the soy cream cheese and goat cheese in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until combined and smooth.  Add eggs and beat until smooth.  Add the remaining ingredients and mix until blended and smooth.  Pour over crust.  Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until center is set.
     To make topping, let cheesecake cool for 10 minutes. Mix the two flavors of spreadable fruit together and spread evenly on the cheesecake.  When the cheesecake is thoroughly cooled, cover and put in the refrigerator at least 3 hours before serving.

     I have several recipes I have been working on for my next writing and I haven't decided which to do next so I guess it will be a surprise for all of us.  See you next time.

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