Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stromboli Dinner for Two

     Stromboli dinner for two may sound restrictive, it can be made for any amount of people.  I made it for two since my husband and I are empty nesters, but you can make it for as many as you want by increasing the number of refrigerated pizza crusts you use; unless you are really ambitious and make your own pizza crusts.  You can also stop at your local pizza shop and they will sell you an unbaked pizza crust for a few dollars, I'm told, I've never done it personally.
     The meat you put in the sandwich half is your choice.  Just make sure it is chopped in small pieces because otherwise you can't fold the dough over it.
     In the second half of the sandwich I made a cherry chocolate filling.  About everything I've read about GERD and gastritis told me I couldn't have chocolate.  After some investigation I learned I could buy dairy free chocolate chips.  I buy them at the health food store.  These aren't carob chips, they really are chocolate and I have been baking with them for years without complaints from any of my skeptical family members.  I eat them in moderation, but at least I feel like chocoate is part of my life again.  If you can't find them in any local health food stores, try online.
      People with GERD and gastritis don't react well to too much sugar at a time, so I use the light cherry pie filling.  After you add the almond extract and chocolate chips, you won't mind that there is less sugar.

                                                           Stromboli Dinner for Two

Filling for sandwich part:
1 cup chopped meat
2 tsp. chopped capers
1 tsp. basil
1/2 cup soy cheddar, jack, mozzarella cheese

Filling for dessert part:
1/2 can light cherry pie filling
1/4 tsp. almond extract
3 tblsp. dairy free chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375.  Spray baking sheet with baking spray

Unroll dough on lightly floured surface.  Pat into a 12-inch square.  Cut in half.  Place the sandwich filling on one half and roll up and the dessert filling on the other half and roll up.  Place on baking sheet with seams down.  You may have to stretch the dough to cover the fillings and get them sealed.  Bake 15 - 20 min.  Watch to make sure how they are browning in your oven.  When they are golden brown, they are done.  Let them cool for 10 minutes before slicing.

     Next time I'll share my recipe for Orange Cake with Orange Frosting.  I get requests for this and it's easy.  I crave citrus flavors and this is one of my go to recipes where I get the flavor but I don't have to worry about the burning of the citric acid.

     Take care

Monday, September 17, 2012

Alfredo Sauce/w Chicken, Artichoke Hrts, Mushroom

     Alfredo sauce is so versatile and I knew I was going to miss it when I got my diagnosis, so I knew I had to do something about it.  Since it is basically a white sauce with cheeses added to the roux, I knew I could make the roux substituting stick margerine for butter (stick margerine has more fat than tub margarine but is lactose free) and then you can add the soy and goat cheese plus milk to make the sauce.  If the sauce is too thin, just cook it a while and it will thicken up.  If it is too thick, add lactose free milk.
     The basic sauce is very versatile.  You can put it over pasta as is, substitute something else for the chicken such as seafood.  You can even make it vegan by putting in just vegetables.
     I even served this to company who have no digestive problems and they liked it.

                       Alfredo Sauce with Chicken, Artichoke Hearts, and Mushrooms

1 box mushrooms, sliced and cleaned
1-2 tblsp. stick margarine
3 tlbsp. Marsala
2 chicken breasts, cooked, cut in small cubes
1 7.5 oz. jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained, quartered
6 green olives, chopped
1 minced clove garlic
2 8oz. soy cream cheese with herbs and chives(if only plain soy cream cheese is available add 1 tsp    Italian seasoning to each tub.)
2 5 oz. chevre goat cheese(use whatever goat cheese you can find)
1 cup lactose free milk
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
favorite pasta shape cooked for 6 people

Brown mushrooms in margarine.  Turn off flame.  Add marsala.  Turn flame back on and cook until wine is absorbed.  Set aside.

Cook chicken, drain, and cut into cubes.  Set aside.

Combine soy cream cheese, goat cheese, and milk in a saucepan over low flame. whisk until smooth.  Add seasoning.

Add chicken, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, green olives, and garlic.  Heat thoroughtly.

Cook pasta as you prefer.  Serve pasta over it or mix the two together.  Serves 4-6

Next time is a recipe I have reworked I call Stromboli Dinner for Two.  This can be adapted to feed a family.  It has a main course and a dessert.  Take care

Monday, September 10, 2012

Banana Cinnamon Crumb Cake

     Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices, but if you have GERD or gastritis,you're told you can't have it.  I was sad.  I'm an avid baker and had to give up one of my go to spices.  What I usually substitute is nutmeg.  If a recipe calls for cinnamon, use the same amount of nutmeg instead.
     But I still missed cinnamon.  Using a cinnamon crumb cake mix and only using part of the cinnamon mixture I was able to create a coffee cake I could eat and still enjoy the taste of cinnamon.  I hope you enjoy it too.
                                                         Banana Cinnamon Crumb Cake
1 box cinnamon crumb cake mix
2 very ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup water
1 egg

     Mix above ingredients into the batter that comes in the cake mix until combined.  Don't over mix, the batter will be lumpy.  Spray a square baking dish with cooking spray. Spread half of the batter in the baking dish.

3/4 cup of the cinnamon mixture from the cake mix, set the remainder aside
2 tlbsp. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. nutmeg

     Mix the above ingredients and divide in half.  Sprinkle half over batter in baking dish.
     Drop by tablespoon the remaining batter, then sprinkle the remaining cinnamon mixture on top of the batter.  With a knife swirl the batter and cinnamon together.  Be careful just to swirl and not mix together.
     Bake at 350 for 40 min.  Use toothpick test to make sure it is done.
     I have also made this with 1 cup of fresh blueberries instead of the bananas for something different when the berries are in season.    

     Next week I have a recipe I have wanted to create for a while and finally got it perfected so I can share it:  Chicken Artchoke Mushroom Alfredo.  I was so pleased with the sauce, you could use the sauce alone to put over pasta for fettuccine alfredo. 

Take care and see you next time.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Beef Stroganoff

     Beef stroganoff turned out to be one of the friendliest recipe for me to change for my diet.  It is also a meat/sauce which once made can be put in a crock pot and set on low and not stirred again until you are ready to serve it.  This makes it convenient for our busy lives.
     You will notice I use real onions in this recipe.  I use them for flavor only.  Because they are in big pieces, I get the flavor but can find them and pull them to the side of my plate and not eat them.  If this doesn't appeal to you, use minced dried onion instead.
     My first instruction is to wash the mushrooms.  I have noticed on cooking shows they say to just rub the dirt off and not wash them but I can't tell that I have the dirt off, so I wash them.
     The meat instruction says to pat the meat dry before putting it in the bag with the flour, salt, and pepper.  This is a Julia Child trick.  No, I'm not comparing myself to Julia Child.

                                                                  Beef Stroganoff

1 box of mushrooms
1/4 cup marsala wine
1 Swiss or round steak, cut in cubes
1 tlbsp. flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 pepper
1 onion, sliced and the slices cut in half and separated
1 pint lactose free sour cream
1 can tomato soup
1 can beef broth
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

Wash and slice mushrooms and saute in margarine until the mushrooms are brown.  Turn off flame and add marsala wine.  Turn flame back on and cook until wine is gone, stirring occasionally to keep the mushrooms from burning. Remove to a plate with a paper towel.
     Lightly saute onions and set aside.
     Place meat that has been patted dry in a bag with flour, salt and pepper, seal bag, and shake.  Pour entire contents in frying pan and brown.  Place meat, mushrooms, and onions in crock pot.  Mix sour cream substitute, tomato soup, broth, Worcestershire sauce and pour over meat mixture.  Stir to mix ingredients.  This is the only stirring you will do until you serving time.  Set the crock pot on low.  Serve over noodles, rice, or mashed potatoes.

Serves 4

     Next week is Banana Cinnamon Crumb Cake.  I know people with GERD and gastritis are supposed to stay away from cinnamon, but I have found a way to use a box mix of cinnamon crumb cake, make some subtractions and additions which will still be tasty and our digestive issues won't have an uprising.
     Take care and enjoy the rest of Labor Day!