Monday, September 17, 2012

Alfredo Sauce/w Chicken, Artichoke Hrts, Mushroom

     Alfredo sauce is so versatile and I knew I was going to miss it when I got my diagnosis, so I knew I had to do something about it.  Since it is basically a white sauce with cheeses added to the roux, I knew I could make the roux substituting stick margerine for butter (stick margerine has more fat than tub margarine but is lactose free) and then you can add the soy and goat cheese plus milk to make the sauce.  If the sauce is too thin, just cook it a while and it will thicken up.  If it is too thick, add lactose free milk.
     The basic sauce is very versatile.  You can put it over pasta as is, substitute something else for the chicken such as seafood.  You can even make it vegan by putting in just vegetables.
     I even served this to company who have no digestive problems and they liked it.

                       Alfredo Sauce with Chicken, Artichoke Hearts, and Mushrooms

1 box mushrooms, sliced and cleaned
1-2 tblsp. stick margarine
3 tlbsp. Marsala
2 chicken breasts, cooked, cut in small cubes
1 7.5 oz. jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained, quartered
6 green olives, chopped
1 minced clove garlic
2 8oz. soy cream cheese with herbs and chives(if only plain soy cream cheese is available add 1 tsp    Italian seasoning to each tub.)
2 5 oz. chevre goat cheese(use whatever goat cheese you can find)
1 cup lactose free milk
1 tsp. Italian seasoning
favorite pasta shape cooked for 6 people

Brown mushrooms in margarine.  Turn off flame.  Add marsala.  Turn flame back on and cook until wine is absorbed.  Set aside.

Cook chicken, drain, and cut into cubes.  Set aside.

Combine soy cream cheese, goat cheese, and milk in a saucepan over low flame. whisk until smooth.  Add seasoning.

Add chicken, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, green olives, and garlic.  Heat thoroughtly.

Cook pasta as you prefer.  Serve pasta over it or mix the two together.  Serves 4-6

Next time is a recipe I have reworked I call Stromboli Dinner for Two.  This can be adapted to feed a family.  It has a main course and a dessert.  Take care

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