Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quesadillas with Refried Beans and Black Olives

     Since I love Mexican food, it became one of my first challenges when I was diagnosed with eating disabilities.  I never really liked spicy food anyway, but I didn't want bland food either to I needed to find a balance between what tasted good and didn't upset my digestive system.  Quesadillas are easily adaped to anyone like me.  You can put many combinations of food in them:  different meat like chicken, beef, pork or fish; you can use refried beans or black beans-but remember to add some ground savory to prevent getting gas; any combination of soy or rice cheeses.  Once they are assembled, they can be browned in a frying pan, under the broiler or carefully browned on a grill.

                                         Quesadillas with Refried Beans and Black Olives

2 flour tortillas-10 inches
2-3 tblsp. refried beans
1/8 tsp. ground savory
1/3 cup sliced black olives
1/4 cup rice cheddar flavor cheese
1 tblsp. margarine
2 tblsp. soy sour cream
1 recipe guacamole from blog of August 20, 2012

     Mix ground savory into the refried beans and spread on half of each tortilla.  Spread olives and cheese on top of refried beans.  Fold tortilla in half and brush with margarine.  Fry, broil, or grill quesadillas on margarine side.  Before turning, brush with remaining margarine, then turn.  Make sure inside ingredients are hot and cheese has melted.
     Meanwhile, make guacamole according to instructions on blog of August 20, 2012.  Serve quesadillas with guacamole and soy sour cream. 1 serving
     Next week I'll share my recipe for peach cherry almond crumble.  With so much fruit available in the summer, it's the perfect time to take advantage to make fruit desserts.

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