Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Watermelon Fresca

     I get tired of drinking water and occasionally drinking juice when everyone else is drinking iced tea or lemonade.  I wanted something special for myself.  Browsing through food magazines, I saw a recipe for a watermelon drink which had, of course, all sorts of ingredients I couldn't have.  After reworking it, I have the following.  Serve this in a clear pitcher if possible because it's such a pretty color.

                                                              Watermelon Fresca

16 cups of chopped seedless watermelon (makes about 8 1/2 cups of juice)
     this is about two thirds of a medium sized watermelon
4 sprigs of fresh mint leaves
1 cup water
2 tsp. lemon powder
1/4 superfine sugar (Splenda if you are watching your calories)

     Puree first three ingredients in a blender or food processor and strain through a fine-mesh collander. Add lemon powder and sugar or Splenda and serve over ice.  Makes about 8 1/2 cups.
     You can make ice cubes out of some of the watermelon fresca to serve in the glasses and this will prevent your drinks from diluting.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for grilled chicken bread salad.  This is a good recipe for summer because all the cooking is done outside.  See you next time.

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