Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chocolate Milk Shake

     Since I can't have tea or coffee I don't spend much time in that part of the grocery store.  What changed my mind were some advertisements for products you could add to coffee.  You only use a small amount for a cup of coffee so the flavor is concentrated which is perfect to make your own milk shake.  I will be experimenting with various flavors and sharing the recipes as I go.  I hope you enjoy them and that as the warm summer months come they give you some cool relief when everyone else has a cool drink.

                                                       Chocolate Milk Shake

3 tblsp. liquid favored syrup for coffee
1 1/2 cups lactose free vanilla ice cream, slightly softened
1/4 cup lactose free milk
1/4 cup non-dairy whipped topping

     Place all ingredients except non-dairy whipped topping in a blender or a container you can use a stick blender in.  Blend together on lowest speed until just combined.  Gently fold in the non-dairy whipped topping.  Pour in a tall glass.  Serve with more non-dairy whipped topping, a cherry, non-dairy chocolate chips, or nuts.  You can alter this recipe by adding a small amount of extracts for a different flavor also.
     Next week I will continue in my series for milk shakes with caramel almond.  See you then.

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