Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Seasoned Oven Fries

     Everyone likes fries but not the calories and frequently how hard they are to digest for delicate digestive systems.  My solution was to make my own fries and bake them.  I could put seasoning on them and control the amount of spiciness.  I could also make them out of white potatoes or yams.  My husband who is watching his weight enjoyed these as much as I did.

                                                          Seasoned Oven Fries


1 large yam
2 medium white potatoes
4 tblsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder

     Preheat oven to 450F.  Peel the yam and wash the white potatoes.  Cut potatoes into the size fries you want.  Wash the white potatoes and dry them.  Mix the seasonings together in a small bowl.  Pour them together with the olive oil into a large zip bag.  Add the potatoes and mix them until the potatoes are completely covered with oil and seasoning.  Put the fries on a cookie rack that is on top of a cookie sheet.  This will allow heat to get all around the potatoes.  Depending on how large your fries are cut it can take from 15 to 30 minutes for them to bake.  Check to make sure that yours are done but not burned.  If you prefer more seasoning you can always sprinkle on more.
     Next week I will be sharing my recipe for cheese enchiladas.  I have been craving and found a way to make them that I'm very happy about.  In the coming weeks there will be more recipes for mug cakes and with summer coming more milk shake recipes.  See you next time.

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