Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fruitcake Cupcakes

    I know fruitcake is the brunt of bad jokes during the holidays, but it has a long history, and while there are many bad ones, it is possible to have a good one.  I spotted this recipe in a magazine, and after making significant changes so I could eat it, it came out tasty and moist.  We even celebrated a family birthday and I used these as the birthday cake.

                                                                Fruitcake Cupcakes


Fruit/nut Mixture
2 cups dried fruit
1/2 cup chopped nuts

1 stick margarine
1 cup brown sugar
2 tblsp. light corn syrup
1/4 cup orange drink
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1/2 stick melted margarine
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 3/4 cups self-rising flour
1/2 cup orange drink

     Preheat oven to 350. Spray the cups of a 12-cup cupcake pan.  Combine the fruit and nuts and set aside.     Sauce:   In a medium-size saucepan over low heat, cook all ingredients until smooth and divide among the cups.  Top with the fruit/nut combination.
     Cake:  Whisk together butter, sugar, vanilla until well blended.  Add eggs one at a time and whisk well after each is added.  Whisk in the flour and orange drink.  When the batter is fully mixed, spoon it evenly between the cups.
     To keep your oven clean, place the cupcake pan on a cookie sheet which has been lined with parchment paper.  Bake 18-20 minutes until evenly browned and tester comes out clean.
     When the cupcakes are done, remove from the oven and cook for five minutes.  Run a spatula or knife around them and turn out on a baking sheet.  Some of the fruit/nut combination may stay in the pan, so scrape that out and place on the cupcakes.  These may be stored for a couple of days outside the refrigerator or for up to a week inside the refrigerator.
     Next week I will share my recipe for split pea soup with rosemary.  I will admit that I was not a fan of pea soup, but my husband likes it and when I found a recipe I could rework I decided to give it a try.  Mostly I was making this for my husband's benefit, but to my surprise, it was quite tasty and it is going to be one of my go-to dinners during the winter.  Don't laugh.  Those of us who grew up in Southern California actually think we have winter weather.
     Since I am writing this on December 31, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year!  See you next time.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Raspberry Almond Thumbprints

     Just about everyone who bakes for the holidays has some version of this recipe in their file so I had never made them.  But I saw in a magazine where the dough was rolled in some ingredients before the jam was  put in and that intrigued me.  I decided to roll the dough in almonds and add some extracts and I think this really improved the cookie.


                                                       Raspberry Almond Thumbprints

1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 plus 1/8 tsp. baking powder
1 1/4 sticks margarine, softened
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg separated
1 1/2 tsp. lactose free milk
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1/4 tsp. raspberry extract
1/2 cup finely chopped almonds
1/4 cup jam

     Combine flour and baking powder in a bowl.  In the bowl of a mixer, beat margarine and sugar at a low speed until combined and then increase speed to medium- high until the mixture is light and fluffy.  Add egg yolk and beat until combined.  Add milk and extracts.  Slowly add in the dry ingredients until the dough begins to clump in the center.  Scrape the dough into a plastic bag and refrigerate at least two hours or up three days.
    Preheat oven to 375.  Roll the chilled dough into 1-inch balls.  Beat the egg white.  Roll each ball into the egg white, then the chopped almonds and place on a cookie sheet that has parchment paper on it.  Leave two inches between cookies.  When all the cookies are on the cookie sheet, make an indentation and spoon about 1/2 teaspoon of jam into the indentation.  Bake about 20 minutes or just until brown around the edges.  Makes about 18 cookies
     Next week I will share my recipe for fruit cake cupcakes.  Before you head for the door because you just read fruit cake, there was a time I would be going with you, but I have tested these on my family.  They don't like fruit cake either, but they liked these and they would be a nice simple dessert for a New Year's Eve party.  Whatever holiday you may celebrate this week, my wishes for a happy and safe one.  Until next time.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bacon, Avocado, Cheese Omelet

     I've been watching DVD's of the Julia Child cooking shows.  When I was watching her make omelets I watched how she could make a plain omelet in twenty seconds. She said if you had a few people helping you, you could serve a few hundred people at a dinner party in twenty minutes.  I won't be having a few hundred people over for a dinner party, but it made me hungry for an omelet.
     My husband makes wonderful omelets.  Whenever we visit people, he usually gets to cook breakfast the next morning because they know he will make a custom omelet for them.
     I was intimidated by making omelets for a long time, but got over that when my mother was staying with us and that was one of the few things she could eat.  I'm not Julia Child, but I got so I could make a plain omelet in a few minutes.

                                              Bacon, Avocado, Cheese Omelet


2 slices of turkey bacon
2 eggs
2 tblsp. lactose free milk
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 avocado, sliced
1 slice lactose free muenster cheese

     Cut the turkey bacon in one quarter inch squares.  Cook them in a small frying pan until brown and crisp.  Turkey bacon can burn easily, so stir frequently.  When done, remove from pan and set on paper towel to drain.
     In a small mixing bowl whip the eggs, milk, and salt and pepper.  Spray the small pan you are cooking your omelet in.  Pour the egg mixture in and turn the heat to medium-high.  When  you can see the edges are getting done and you can lift the edge and see it is browning, put in the bacon, avocado, and slice of cheese which has been broken up in a vertical line just left of the center of the omelet.  Leave a little cheese and bacon to garnish the top, if you like.  Fold the omelet over and continue to cook on a lower flame so the eggs don't burn, but the inside ingredients get hot.  If you're concerned that you will burn the eggs, you can plate the omelet and put it in the oven for a few minutes or the microwave for a minute or so to finish cooking.  Before serving, it should be hot enough to garnish with the bacon and cheese and the cheese will begin to melt.  Makes 1 omelet.
     I always like to try a new cookie for the holidays.  Next week I'll share my new cookie recipe.
Until then.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sweet Potatoes with Bourbon

     There seems to be no middle ground on sweet potatoes, you either like them or you don't.  Everyone in my family likes them and my son insists it isn't Thanksgiving if you don't have sweet potatoes.
     When I went on my pre-Thanksgiving dinner shopping trip I couldn't find the canned sweet potatoes I usually buy.  I like a certain brand which I doctor up and everyone is happy.  The store had a sign which said not only did they not have any, there weren't any in the area.  I didn't have time to test whether that was true, so I went home, looked online at different recipes, and decided how I could make sweet potatoes from scratch my family would like, hopefully, and I could eat.
     I needed four yams and an orange.  I had everything else at home.  My husband was going to be out the next day and I asked him to pick up these items for me.  Since I had let him read the recipe to see what he thought, I thought we had communicated clearly.
     What my husband remembered more than the recipe or the list was that I had said in the store I didn't want to make yams from scratch.  So when he went to a different store and found cans of sweet potatoes, that's what he bought.  We were have two guests for Thanksgiving, and even though he didn't think it was right, he stuck to the list and brought me four large cans of sweet potatoes and an orange.
     After I got over that shock, I realized he actually helped me because the first two steps of the recipe were to peel the yams, chop them up and cook them on the stove for about 20 minutes.  Now he had saved me prep time and cooking time on Thanksgiving.  Who wouldn't be grateful for that?

                                                                 Sweet Potatoes with Bourbon

2 cans 29 oz. ea. cut sweet potatoes
1/2 cup light brown sugar (you can use Splenda brown sugar)
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 tsp. maple flavoring
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. orange extract
2 tsp. orange zest
1 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup bourbon
2 tblsp. stick margarine

      Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
      Drain the liquid from the potatoes.  In a large pan combine the potatoes, brown sugar, water, orange zest, nutmeg, and salt.  Bring the liquid to a boil, then turn the flame down and simmer for about five minutes.
      Spoon out the potatoes into a casserole dish that has been sprayed with vegetable  spray.  Add the bourbon to the sauce with the flame off.  Turn the flame back on and simmer until the syrup is thickened.  This should take around fifteen minutes.  Pour the syrup over the potatoes and bake for ten or fifteen minutes.  This is basically to make sure the potatoes and syrup are both warm.  If your oven is occupied, you can put this in the microwave and adjust the cooking time down to just make sure the potatoes and syrup are hot.  Remove from oven or microwave and gently stir in margarine.  You can make these ahead and reheat before serving dinner.  You may need to add more liquid.  Serves 4-6.
     If you want to make these from scratch, buy fresh yams, peel and cut them.  Cook them with the brown sugar, orange zest, nutmeg, and salt.  You may need to add more water.
     I have been watching some DVD's of Julia Child's cooking shows on PBS and been inspired to make some of her more simple dishes.  Next week I'll share my version of an omelette.  See you then.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


     I know it is practically un-American to say you don't like meatloaf, but I've just never cared for it.  But since my husband likes it so much I have tried countless ways to make it and they have all failed.  But I found a recipe that sparked my interest in "House Beautiful" magazine written by chef Alex Hitz called Billionaire's Meatloaf.  Of course it had plenty of ingredients I couldn't eat so I made some changes and the following is what I came up with.  I know there are plenty of ingredients, but they are worth it.


1 box sliced mushrooms
3 tblsp. stick margarine
3 tblsp. Marsala
1 egg
1 tblsp. Dijon mustard
1 tblsp. ketchup
1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
1 tblsp. Worcestshire sauce
1/3 cup soy cheddar cheese or
             lactose free swiss cheese
1 tsp. minced garlic
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
3/4 tsp. dried thyme
1/2 tsp. paprika
1/2 tsp. allspice
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
3 tblsp. dried onion
3 pieces turkey bacon
1 lb. hamburger or meatloaf mix
2 tblsp Marsala

     In a  skillet cook the mushrooms in the margarine until brown.  Turn off the flame and add the Marsala.  Turn the flame back on and continue to cook the mushrooms until the Marsala is gone.  Spoon mushrooms out of the pan into a separate bowl. Use the pan to par cook the turkey bacon and drain on a paper towel.
     In a large mixing bowl whip the egg with a fork, add the meat and other ingredients except the bacon,   This will be easier to do with your hands.  If you use the lactose free swiss cheese, you will need to chop it first because it comes in slices.  
     Form the meatloaf on a broiler pan that has been sprayed with vegetable spray or other pan that the meat can bake and the fat can drain away.  Lay the par cooked bacon across the top of the meat loaf diagonally.  Insert a meat thermometer in the meat loaf.  Bake at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes.  The internal temperature will read 155 degrees when the meatloaf is done.
     My recipe for next week is for sweet potatoes.  It comes with a funny story on how husbands and wives think they are communicating and they really aren't.  See you next time.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Apple Cheesecake Dessert Shot and Pumpkin Mousse Cheesecake Dessert Shot

     For those looking for something different than the traditional pumpkin and pecan pie for Thanksgiving and looking for a dessert that they know will be lactose free, here are two suggestions.  I suggest you make them at least one day ahead to let the spices completely flavor the dessert.  If you can, serve them in clear glasses so the layers are visible, put plastic over the dessert to prevent a skin from forming and put the nondairy topping and cookies on just before serving.

                                                         Apple Cheesecake Dessert Shot

4 ea. 1 1/2 cup drink glasses
3.4 oz. cheesecake flavor instant pudding mix
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1 20 oz. can apple pie filling (divided in quarters)
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/2 cup nondairy whipped topping
4 shortbread cookies for desserts and more to serve along side (optional)

     Make the pudding as directed on the box using the lactose free milk.  Divide in quarters and spoon into the glasses.  Scoop the apple pie filling into a bowl.  Gently fold in the nutmeg and cloves.  Spoon into the glasses on top of the pudding.  Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
     Spoon two tablespoons of nondairy whipped topping on each dessert and add a shortbread cookie and serve immediately.  Serve more cookies on the side.

                                                            Pumpkin Mousse Cheesecake                                             

1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup nondairy whipped topping
1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
3.4 oz. cheesecake instant pudding mix
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1/2 cup pumpkin
1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup nondairy whipped topping
4 ea. ginger snaps plus more to serve along side (optional)

     In one bowl mix one half cup canned pumkin, nondairy whipped topping and pumpkin pie spice.  Spoon into dessert glasses.
     In another bowl mix the pudding mix into the lactose free milk and make according to package directions.  Mix in half cup pumpkin, and pumpkin spice.  Spoon into dessert glasses and cover until ready to serve. 
     When ready to serve, spoon two tablespoons of nondairy whipped topping on each dessert and add a ginger snap and serve immediately.  Serve more cookies on the side.
     Next week I will share my recipe for meatloaf.  I have spent my adult life looking for a way to make a good meatloaf and I finally have.  More about my unsuccessful attempts next time.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


     Finally here is the recipe I promised several weeks ago.  Nachos are very easy to make once you know how to make the right substitutions.  I have made the proportions for one person, but you could increase the amounts and make a platter for guests.


favorite tortilla chips
1/2 can 2.25 oz size black sliced olives, well drained
2 tblsp. refried beans with 1/4 tsp. ground savory mixed in
cheddar, jack, mozzarella soy cheese
soy sour cream
guacamole (recipe from 8/20/12)

     On a dinner plate or luncheon sized plate, place two to three hands full of chips.  Don't make the stack too high or the other ingredients will only be on the top.  Place teaspoons of the refried beans around.  Add as much cheese on top as you would like and top with the olives.  Microwave in 30 second increments until the cheese is melting and not too long that the chips get soggy.  Serve with soy sour cream and guacamole on the side.
     Next week I will share two recipes for dessert shots.  One for apple cheesecake shots and one for pumpkin cheesecake shots.  These could be made to go along with your Thanksgiving dinner as an allternative to the traditional desserts. See you next time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Manhattan Clam Chowder

     Before I write about manhattan clam chowder, I need to acknowledge an error I made a couple of weeks ago.  I said my recipe for the next week was going to be nachos, but then the next week came and I wrote a recipe for something else.  So next week, I promise, the nacho recipe.
     I have always preferred the New England clam chowder which is creamy and tastes so good on cold winter nights.  Now that I have figured out a way around the dairy products, while I can't have it in a restaurant, I can at least make it for myself.
     I didn't give much thought to Manhattan clam chowder since it is tomato based and didn't seem worth the trouble.  I came across a recipe the other day that changed my mind.  I made some changes and the following is the result.  I hope you enjoy it as much as my husband and I did.

                                                     Manhattan Clam Chowder                                                   

3 slices turkey bacon
4 small or 3 large potatoes
2 tblsp. olive oil
2 ea 6.5 oz cans minced clams w/ juice plus
   1 can of water
1/2 cup carrots, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup red wine
1/2 tsp. thyme
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 1/2 tsp. dried onion
1 11 oz. can tomato soup plus one can of water
1/4 cup minced fresh parsley, save 2 tsp. for garnish

     In a frying pan, saute bacon on medium-high heat until crispy watching it carefully that it doesn't burn.  When it is done, set it aside to drain on paper towels.  Peel potatoes and slice in thin slices.
Heat olive oil in the same pan the bacon was cooked in and fry the potatoes until they are done and are browned. 
     Add the remaining ingredients except the parsley.  Bring to a boil.  Turn the flame down and let simmer for 10-15 minutes.  Stir in the parsley.  Let simmer a few more minutes to make sure the parsley heated.  Spoon into two soup bowls.  Garnish each with one teaspoon of parsley.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blueberry Cherry Streusel Muffins

     You can almost smell these muffins coming out of the oven just from the name of them.  They have just enough batter to hold the blueberries and cherries together.  You can warm them up and serve them for breakfast or serve them for dessert.  They are even good at room temperature.

                                              Blueberry Cherry Streusel Muffins


1 1/2 cups flour plus 1 tblsp. to coat blueberries
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup plus 1 tblsp. lactose free milk
2 eggs
1/4 cup melted margarine
1 cup or 4.4 oz. fresh or frozen blueberries
      (if you use frozen, you won't need the 1 tblsp. flour to coat)
1 1/2 cup frozen cherries, rinsed and defrosted

Streusel Topping
1 1/2 cup flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup sugar
1 stick margarine, chilled and cut in 1/2 in. pieces
2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. vanilla
2/3 cup chopped pecans

     Preheat oven to 365. Stir flour, sugar, and baking powder in a large bowl.  Mix in milk and eggs.  Fold in melted margarine.
     In a separate bowl, toss the fresh blueberries with flour, if you are using fresh ones.  If not, fold in well drained blueberries and cherries in the batter.
     Spoon mixture in 12-15 muffin cups 2/3 of the way to the top.
     Streusel Topping:  Combine all ingredients except nuts.  Use a pastry cutter or two knives until the mixture is crumbly and pea-sized balls form.  Add the pecans. 
     Scatter streusel over the muffins.
     Bake in preheated oven 25-35 min.  Muffins are done when the center is inserted with a toothpick and it comes out clean and the muffins spring back lightly when touched.
     Next week I'll be sharing my recipe for Manhattan Clam Chowder.  That's the red one and since all the recipes I had included cans of tomatoes I had to work around that, but I found a way and made a very tasty soup.  See you next time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chicken Picata

     Chicken picata is another dish I love but can't order out because of the butter and lemon juice.  It does have one of my favorite ingredients which is capers.  A few tablespoons of these tiny round berries add a burst of flavor in every bite.  My whole family knows as soon as I see a dish on the menu with capers I'm interested.

                                                                  Chicken Picata

2 chicken breasts
2 tblsp. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
2 tblsp. olive oil
1/4 cup stick margarine
1/4 cup water with 1 1/2 tsp. lemon powder mixed in
zest of 1/4 lemon
1/2 cup white wine
2 tblsp. capers

     Place the chicken breasts between two pieces of waxed or parchment paper and beat with a meat cleaver or rolling pin until 1/4 inch thick.  Mix flour, salt and pepper in a plastic ziplock bag.  Place the chicken breasts inside, seal the bag, and shake until the chicken is coated.   
     Spray a frying pan with vegetable spray.  Heat the pan with the olive oil.  When the oil is hot, shake off the excess flour from the chicken, and place the chicken in the pan.  Discard the flour mixture  Turn when one side is brown.  Be careful not to overcook because the chicken is thin.  After is it brown on both sides, set it on a plate and cover it with foil.
     Using the same pan,  melt the margarine, add the water with lemon powder, lemon zest, and white wine.  Stir together and set on a low flame to simmer for 10 minutes so the flavors can come together and the alcohol can cook out.  Add the capers and the chicken.  Simmer a few minutes to reheat the chicken.  Makes two servings.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for homemade nachos.  While everyone else is enjoying the game and having their favorite snack food, you can too.  See you next time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cherry Almond Muffins

     Who doesn't like to wake up to the aroma of muffins baking in the morning?  Granted that means someone has to get up and make them, but you could make these muffins the night before and, if you're able to wait until morning, which I'm not sure you can, you can warm them up and have warm muffins for breakfast.  They are easy to make and I'm sure you'll enjoy the tart-tangy taste of the cherries.  Because my husband is a diabetic, which I've mentioned before, and now my doctor has mentioned I need to watch my sugar intake as well, I've been experimenting with Splenda.  I've tried agave without much success.  The first batch of these muffins made just with Splenda ended up in the wastebasket.  When I went to half sugar and half Splenda they turned out much better.  You're welcome to make them with all sugar but if you're looking for a place to save some calories, here you are.

                                                      Cherry Almond Muffins

4 tblsp. stick margarine, softened
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup Splenda 
1 egg
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1 cup flour
3/8 tsp. baking soda
1/3 cup soy sour cream
1 cup dried cherries
1/4 lactose free milk
1/2 cup (2 oz. pkg.) sliced almonds

     Cream together margarine and sugar, then add Splenda.  Add egg and extracts.  In a separate bowl mix flour and baking soda.  Add to sugar mixture.  Add milk and soy sour cream and mix just until combined being careful not to overmix.  Add cherries.
     Put cupcake cups in eight cups of a cupcake pan or for crispier muffins spray eight cups in a cupcake pan with vegetable spray.  Fill the cups with batter about two thirds full.  Divide the the almonds evenly between the muffins and sprinkle on the top.  Press slightly to make sure they stick.  Bake at  375 for 20 minutes or until the top begins to brown and it springs back when touched.  Makes 8 muffins.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for chicken picata.  It's one of my favorite dishes but in restaurants there is always butter and lemon juice and they both cause problems for me, but I have found a way around this.  See you next time.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

SoCal Mama-Cocktail without Alcohol

     This recipe was madeup by my son-in-law Mike and used with his permission.  He is quite the drink mixer and has been very helpful to me in finding foods I can eat even though he doesn't have any of the issues I have.  On a recent visit he was determined to make something for me to drink other than water.  We began at the juice aisle of the grocery store and we put every juice I could drink in the cart.  When we got home he began working with them.  The following is what he came up with.  It's nice when everyone else has something to drink and you can't even have a soda now you can have something too.

                                                             SoCal Mama

6 oz. banana juice
6 oz. mango juice
3 oz.Coco Lopez
1 1/2 oz. almond syrup
6 dashes Angostura Bitters

     Blend with three cups of ice.  Pour into three to four glasses.  Garnish fresh nutmeg on each drink and a sprig of fresh mint.
     Next week I will be sharing my recipe for cherry almond muffins.  See you next time.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pizza Variation

     Now that football season is upon us, baseball playoffs are serious and I have seen some hockey on TV (I have to confess I don't know much about their season), I do know they have in common the need for snack foods.  This usally puts people like me looking for a plain cracker or a carrot stick.  Since I wanted in on the fun, here is my second pizza recipe.
     I would also like to share a recent product discovery.  The credit for this goes to my son-in-law Mike.  On a recent trip to Pittsburgh we were grocery shopping together and he found in the cheese section Finlandia brand cheese slices in muenster, harvati and swiss flavors.  They are naturally lactose free, no hormones added, and all natural.  When I got home I was able to find them locally in the grocery store.  I was so excited!  Real cheese that didn't bother my stomach.  I had already made this pizza before I discovered these cheeses, but they can be substituted in this recipe.

                                                                    Pizza Variation

1 ea. 14 oz. frozen pizza crust, defrosted
1 box sliced mushrooms
3 tblsp. stick margarine
3 tblsp. Marsala
1 6 oz. pkg. Canadian bacon, cut edges off the meat
1/4 cup kalamata olives, cut in half (substitute green olives if you can't find kalamata olives)
1 red bell pepper, core, slice in rings and slice the rings in half
1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese
1/2 cup rice mozzarella flavor cheese

     Clean mushrooms and brown in a skillet with the margarine.  Once they are brown and the liquid is gone, turn off the flame and add the Marsala.  Turn the flame back on and cook the mushrooms until the liquid is gone.  Set mushrooms aside.
     Preheat oven to the temperature suggested on the pizza crust package.  After pizza crust is defrosted, spread it on a pizza stone or in a pizza pan.  (If using a pizza stone, sprinkle some corn meal to make the crust not stick and to make the crust have more crunch.)  Bake for 5 minutes and remove from oven.
     Add the remaining ingredients making sure they are all dry so they don't make the crust soggy.  You may have to pat the Canadian bacon dry with a paper towel, drain the olives, etc.  Return to the oven for 8-10 minutes making sure not to burn the crust or ingredients but that the cheese is melted.  The bell pepper adds flavor while baking even though I can't eat them so I gently pull them off any piece I eat.
     Next week I'll share a recipe for a cocktail with no alcohol.  Now you will have a refreshing beverage at parties or just for yourself and you won't be there with your usual glass of water or juice.  See you next time.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Peach Cobbler

     Fall is in the air and it is cool enough to bake.  Some of the late summer fruit is still available and if not feel free to use frozen.  As I said last week, we have a peach tree and all the fruit came on at once so I had to figure out what to do with it.  I've already canned and made enough preserves to last me a lifetime so I decided to make cobbler and I now have enough in the freezer to last all winter.  I suggest you serve this warm with vanilla lactose free ice cream on the side.
     I made this recipe with Splenda instead of sugar because my husband diabetic and also people with acid reflux should also watch their sugar intake.  I also used ground mace instead of cinnamon.  It is a nice go between cinnamon and nutmeg.

                                                                      Peach Cobbler

1 1/2 tblsp. corn starch, sifted
1/4 tsp. ground mace
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup water
4 cups peeled, diced peaches

1/2 cup flour
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup crushed granola cereal
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp. ground mace
pinch salt
4 tblsp. stick margarine
1/3 cup chopped almonds

     In a sauce pan combine the first four ingredients and cook until thickened.  Add the peaches and stir until the peaches are covered.  Spoon into an 8 or 9 in. square baking dish which has been sprayed with vegetable spray.  Set aside.
     Topping:  Mix the first six ingredients.  Cut in the margarine until the margarine is the size of peas.  Add the almonds.  Spoon on top of the peaches and spread evenly.  Bake at 350 for 30-35 min.
     Next week I'll share another pizza recipe using a different crust and toppings.  It's football season so it's time to be ready with pizza!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lemon Dessert Shot and Coffee Dessert Shot

     This is my second selection of dessert shots.  I intend to work on some for the future because I think they would be so versatile to make for a variety for a buffet, to make one for a small dessert after a dinner party, or to have a small dessert to have on hand whenever you wanted it.  You can also use these recipes as inspiration to make your own dessert shots.  If you don't have small glasses, you can use wine glasses, or use small baking dishes.

                                                               Lemon Dessert Shot

4 ea. 4 oz. shot or dessert dishes
3.4 oz. lemon instant pudding and pie filling
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
2 1/4 cups nondairy whipped topping
5 oz. jarred lemon curd

     Make pudding as directed for pie filling using the pudding and milk.  Fold together 2 cups of the nondairy whipped topping and lemon curd until smooth.
     Layer half of the pudding mixture, then divide the whipped topping mixture between the four dishes, then top with pudding mixture.  Divide the 1/4 cup whipped topping between the four dishes. Serves 4.

                                                             Coffee Dessert Shot

4 ea. wine glasses or other dessert dishes
3.4 oz. cheesecake instant pudding pie filling
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1 1/2 tsp. instant coffee
2 tsp. hot water
2 plus 1/2 tsp. chopped almonds
2 plus 1/2 tsp. nondairy chocolate chips
4 tblsp. nondairy whipped topping

     Dissolve coffee in hot water and cool.  Mix pudding, milk, and coffee/water mixture according to pie directions on box.  Spoon in half of mixture into four glasses.  Top with 1 tsp. chopped almonds and 1 tsp. chocolate chips.  Spoon remaining pudding mixture on top and top with 1 tblsp. whipped topping, 1/2 tsp. chopped almonds and 1/2 tsp. chocolate chips. Serves 4.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for peach cobbler.  We have a peach tree and all of our peaches were ripe at once and I needed to find a good recipe quickly.  I'm pleased with the one I found and reworked and I'll be happy to share it with you.  See you next time. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Chicken Cordon Bleu

     Chicken cordon bleu always sounded like it would be difficult to me so I never looked at a recipe.  When I did, I realized it wouldn't be difficult at all.   This is a recipe you can serve for dinner any night or it easily dresses up for a company diiner.  It appears you worked hard on it and you really didn't.

                                                           Chicken Cordon Bleu

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1/8 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. onion powder
1 oz. prosciutto
4 slices ea. rice and swiss flavor
   cheese food alternative
1/3 cup panko breadcrumbs
1/3 cup minced fresh parsley
1/4 cup flour
1 egg yolk
2 tsp. water
3 tblsp. olive oil

     Place chicken breasts between two pieces of wax paper and pound to 1/4-inch thickness (this is a good place to get out any frustration you're having).
     Rub chicken pieces with the salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder.  Divide the prosciutto between the chicken breasts.  If you can't find prosciutto, use thinly sliced ham.  Fold chicken in half and press down to hold shape. 
     In a shallow bowl mix the breadcrumbs and parsley and set aside.  In another shallow bowl whip the egg yolk and water.  In another shallow bowl place the flour. 
     Coat a large skillet with cooking spray and olive oil and set over low heat.  Following these steps to get the chicken prepared to go into the pan:  take one folded breasts and dip it in the flour on both sides, then dip it on both sides in the egg mixture, then in the bread crumb/parsley mixture on both sides.  Place it in the skillet and repeat with the remaining three breasts.  Watch the chicken that it browns on the outside but is cooked thoroughly on the inside.  If you have any doubt when the outside is cooked, place it in the microwave briefly to make sure the middle is cooked.  Makes 4 servings.
     Next week I'm going to share two more dessert shots:  lemon dessert shots and coffee dessert shots.  I know people with eating disabilities aren't suppossed to have coffee, but there is just a touch in this for flavoring, it didn't bother me and it was really good.  See you next time.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cherry Strawberry Banana Shake and Blueberry Peach Shake

     As summer is comming to a close, here are the last of my two recipes for shakes.  The hottest days can come at the end of the season and it's nice to have some cool drinks while everyone else is drinking their shakes and malts.  Now you won't be left out.

                                                 Cherry Strawberry  Banana Shake

2 scoops vanilla lactose free ice cream
1/2 cup Silk Strawberry Banana Fruit and Protein Juice Blend
1/3 cup frozen , defrosted cherries

     Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.  Makes one shake, about 1 1/4 cup.

                                                         Blueberry Peach Shake

3 scoops vanilla lactose free ice cream
2 small peaches, peeled and cut in quarters
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup  Silk Strawberry Banana Fruit and Protein Juice Blend

      Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.  Makes one shake, about 1 3/4 cup.
     Next week I'll be sharing my recipe for chicken cordon bleu.  See you next time.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Brownie Cheesecake Dessert Shot and Buttercotch Toffee Dessert Shot

     Many people today want just a few bites of something sweet after a nice meal but not a heavy dessert.  Some restaurants have recognized this by putting dessert shots one their menus, particularly in the summer.  You don't have to have fancy glasses.  Sometimes I serve mine in wine glasses.  Because I make mine in layers, I use containers that are clear glass, but you don't have to be restricted, you can use small coffee cups or tea cups or you can put all the ingredients in one clear serving bowl and make it look like a trifle.  I also tried these recipes with sugar free pudding mix and you can make these recipes that way as well.

                                                   Brownie Cheesecake Dessert Shot

6 ea. 4 oz. glasses or similar serving container
2 in. x 4 in. rectangle brownie w/ toasted almond
     brownie (recipe from 5-14-13)
instant pudding & pie filling 3.4 oz size
      cheesecake flavor
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1/4 cup nondairy whipped topping
3 tblsp. salted almonds, toasted and chopped

     Make pudding with lactose free milk according to directions for pie.
     Fill glasses as follows:  2 tsp. pudding, break brownies on top, 3 tsp. pudding, 2 tsp. nondairy whipped topping per dessert and divide nuts and sprinkle on top.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.  If you are making these the day before serving, place in a container you can cover, otherwise the nondairy topping gets rubbery. 

                                                   Butterscotch Toffee Dessert Shot

4 ea, 4 oz. glasses or similar serving container
1 ea 3.4 butterscotch instant pudding and pie filling
1 1/2 cup lactose free milk
8 tsp. toffee chips
1/4 cup  nondairy whipped topping
1/4 cup salted almonds, toasted and chopped

     Make pudding with lactose free milk according to directions for pie.
     Fill glasses as follows: 2 tsp. pudding, 1 tsp. toffee chips, 2 tsp. pudding, 1 tblsp. nondairy whipped topping, 1 tsp. toffee chips, top with 1 1/2 tsp. almonds.  These are best served the day you make them, otherwise the top gets rubbery and the toffee is less crunchy.
     Next week I'll share my third and last in a series of fruit shakes:  cherry strawberry banana and blueberry peach.  See you next time.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mixed Berry Shake and Strawberry Banana Shake

     I have two more shakes for you to help keep you cool in the ending weeks of summer.  Like the previous ones they combine fruit, the Silk Fruit and Protein Juice Blend and lactose free ice cream or sorbet.  These recipes lend themselves to being changed to fit your own preferences.  If you can't find fresh fruit, use frozen.

                                                                Mixed Berry Shake

1/3 cup mixed berries of choice
1/2 banana
1/2 cup Silk Fruit and Protein Mixed Berry Juice Blend
2 scoops raspberry sorbet

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor until thoroughly blended.  Makes one shake.  About 1 1/2 cup

                                                                Strawberry Banana Shake

1/3 cup strawberries
1/2  cup Silk Strawberry Banana Juice Blend
2 scoops vanilla lactose free ice cream
1/2 banana

Place all ingredients in a blender or food processor until thoroughly blended.  Makes one shake.  About 1 1/2 cup.

     Next  week I'll share my recipe for two dessert shots.  Dessert shots are becoming popular in several chain restaurants so you can have dessert and not overindulge.  Next week I have two desserts:  brownie cheesecake and  butterscotch toffee.  See you next time.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Chicken and Wild Rice Salad

     This salad comes together very easily and is perfect for dinner on a warm summer evening or to take to lunch at work.  I have left the salad dressing and also the amount is your choice.  My choice is french dressing because it works with the Fuji apple as a nice sweet and sour taste.

                                                         Chicken and Wild Rice Salad

1 6.0 oz box long grain and wild rice mix
1 cooked chicken breast, cut in bite sized pieces
      (I used a cooked chicken from the grocery store to speed the process.)
1 Fuji apple,chopped (Peel if desired.)
1/3 cup dried cranberries-cherry flavor
1/3 cup raisins
1/3 cup chopped almonds
Salad dressing of choice

     Cook rice according to package directions.  Remove two thirds cup for another use.  Cool rice before putting salad together.  Put the remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.  Serve in a serving bowl or on salad plates.  Pass the salad dressing or mix it in before serving.  Makes two servings if this is a meal or more servings if this is a side dish.
       Next week I'll be sharing two more shake recipes:  mixed berry and strawberry banana.  See you next time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Mango Peach Shake and Blueberry Shake

       Even though we've had a mild summer so far, a shake still sounded good to me.  Since I can't order them out because almost every establishment puts some dairy product in them, I decided to make my own.  In the coming weeks I'll be sharing some of the recipes I came up with, but feel free to experiment.  As my base I used the Silk brand which now makes three Fruit and Protein Juice Blends in three fruit flavors:  mango peach, strawberry banana, and mixed berry.  I've tried all three and they taste good enough to drink on their own and  as a base for a shake they add a nice flavor.  If you have trouble finding them at your usual grocery store, try a health food store or substitute lactose free milk.
     You will also note that I'm beginning to add pictures to my blog.  It is my goal to have a picture for each recipe.  I've always been disappointed with cookbooks that didn't have pictures and didn't want my recipes to be without pictures.  I'm getting better at taking the pictures, and my husband, in addition to being my taste guinea pig is now my technical consultant.

                                                             Mango Peach Shake

 Makes 1 shake-about 2 cups
4 small scoops mango or peach sorbet
1/2 cup peeled and chopped mango or peach or combination
3/4 cup Silk Fruit and Protein Mango Peach flavor

     Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until thoroughly combined.  Pour into a glass and enjoy.

                                                              Blueberry Shake


Makes 1 shake - about 1 3/4 cups
4 small scoops lactose free vanilla ice cream
1 cup Silk Fruit and Protein Mixed Berry flavor
2 tblsp. fresh or frozen blueberries

     Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until thoroughly combined.  Pour into a glass and enjoy.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for chicken and wild rice salad.  See you then.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Grilled Chicken Bread Salad

     One of the best parts of this recipe is all the cooking can be done outside on the grill, so you don't have to heat up your kitchen. This makes it perfect for dinner on a hot summer day.  This recipe is also figure friendly, depending upon whether or not you add extra goat cheese and grilled baguette for extra croutons.  I used a zero fat Italian dressing which was just right for this salad, it was nice and light and the taste was great.

                                                           Grilled Chicken Bread Salad

Marinade for chicken
2 minced garlic cloves
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tblsp. dijon mustard
1 tsp. lemon powder
2 tblsp. fresh minced rosemary or
    2 tsp. dried crumbled rosemary
1/2 tsp. pepper

     Mix the above  and place in a resealable bag with three chicken breasts and leave in the refrigerator overnight. 
     Discard marinade and grill until chicken is no longer pink in the middle, about 35 minutes depending on how hot your grill is.  You can also bake in a 350F oven until the chicken is tender and the juices run clear, about 50-55 min.

     Baguette:  Cut one third of a baguette lengthwise and brush lightly with olive oil.  Use remaining baguette for another use.  Grill cut side down until lightly toasted.  You can also do this under the broiler as well with the cut side up.

3 cups romaine lettuce
2.5 oz. can sliced black olives
1/2 cup Kalamata or green olives, cut in half
2 oz goat cheese, crumbled
3/4 cup chopped carrots
zero fat Italian dressing to taste

     After chicken has cooled, cut in bite-sized pieces.  Cut the baguette in bite-sized pieces after it has cooled.  Mix the chicken and baguette with the salad ingredients except the salad dressing and divide between four serving plates.  Serve with the salad dressing.  Makes four servings.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for two shakes-one blueberry and one mango peach-which have no dairy products in them.  See you next time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Watermelon Fresca

     I get tired of drinking water and occasionally drinking juice when everyone else is drinking iced tea or lemonade.  I wanted something special for myself.  Browsing through food magazines, I saw a recipe for a watermelon drink which had, of course, all sorts of ingredients I couldn't have.  After reworking it, I have the following.  Serve this in a clear pitcher if possible because it's such a pretty color.

                                                              Watermelon Fresca

16 cups of chopped seedless watermelon (makes about 8 1/2 cups of juice)
     this is about two thirds of a medium sized watermelon
4 sprigs of fresh mint leaves
1 cup water
2 tsp. lemon powder
1/4 superfine sugar (Splenda if you are watching your calories)

     Puree first three ingredients in a blender or food processor and strain through a fine-mesh collander. Add lemon powder and sugar or Splenda and serve over ice.  Makes about 8 1/2 cups.
     You can make ice cubes out of some of the watermelon fresca to serve in the glasses and this will prevent your drinks from diluting.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for grilled chicken bread salad.  This is a good recipe for summer because all the cooking is done outside.  See you next time.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Peach Cherry Almond Crumble

     With summer fruit in such plentiful supply, it's a good time to make pies, cobblers, trifles, crumbles, etc.  When I was growing up, my father always preferred his fruit fresh, so in the summer except for canning fruit, my mother and I never made anything with cooked fruit.  After I got married I was itching to get started. 
     Instead of making this recipe in a traditional baking dish, I made it in four ounce canning jars.  This made it the perfect serving size and if you wanted to travel with it to a picnic or family reunion, they would be easy as well because everyone could serve themselves.

                                              Peach Cherry Almond Crumble

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 egg
4 oz. almond paste
1/2 tsp. almond extract
1 stick margarine, cold
2/3 cup chopped almonds

4 cups peaches, peeled and chopped
1 cup sweet cherries, pitted and halved
2 tblsp. sugar
2 tsp. cornstarch

     Preheat oven to 350F.  Spray the inside of 12-4 oz. canning jars with baking spray.  Using a food processor, pastry cutter or two knives, mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, egg, almond paste, and almond extract together.  Add the margarine to the mixture in pieces and mix together until the mixture is crumbly.   Divide the mixture in half.  Take half and divide it evenly among the 12 jars and gently press it in.  Add the chopped almonds to the other half and set aside
     Mix the peaches, cherries and sugar together.  (If fresh fruit isn't available use frozen.  If you would like a more even proportion of cherries to peaches, change accordingly.)  Sift the cornstarch over the fruit to make it easier to mix in.  Divide the fruit mixture between the 12 jars.  Top with the remaining crumble mixture.
     Set the jars on a cookie sheet which has sides and has been lined with parchment paper.  Bake for about 25 minutes or until the tops begin to turn brown.  Remove from the oven to cool before serving. These can be served warm with lactose free ice cream or room temperature or cold with nondairy whipped topping.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for a refreshing summer drink.  Since I can't have iced tea or lemonade I've found an alternative I think everyone will enjoy.  See you next time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quesadillas with Refried Beans and Black Olives

     Since I love Mexican food, it became one of my first challenges when I was diagnosed with eating disabilities.  I never really liked spicy food anyway, but I didn't want bland food either to I needed to find a balance between what tasted good and didn't upset my digestive system.  Quesadillas are easily adaped to anyone like me.  You can put many combinations of food in them:  different meat like chicken, beef, pork or fish; you can use refried beans or black beans-but remember to add some ground savory to prevent getting gas; any combination of soy or rice cheeses.  Once they are assembled, they can be browned in a frying pan, under the broiler or carefully browned on a grill.

                                         Quesadillas with Refried Beans and Black Olives

2 flour tortillas-10 inches
2-3 tblsp. refried beans
1/8 tsp. ground savory
1/3 cup sliced black olives
1/4 cup rice cheddar flavor cheese
1 tblsp. margarine
2 tblsp. soy sour cream
1 recipe guacamole from blog of August 20, 2012

     Mix ground savory into the refried beans and spread on half of each tortilla.  Spread olives and cheese on top of refried beans.  Fold tortilla in half and brush with margarine.  Fry, broil, or grill quesadillas on margarine side.  Before turning, brush with remaining margarine, then turn.  Make sure inside ingredients are hot and cheese has melted.
     Meanwhile, make guacamole according to instructions on blog of August 20, 2012.  Serve quesadillas with guacamole and soy sour cream. 1 serving
     Next week I'll share my recipe for peach cherry almond crumble.  With so much fruit available in the summer, it's the perfect time to take advantage to make fruit desserts.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Chocolate Cheesecake

     Cheesecake is my favorite dessert.  When I could no longer eat dairy products, as I've said previously, it was one of the first dishes I worked on until I found a way to make a good substitute.  Once you have the basic cheesecake recipe down, you can make flavor changes according to your taste.
     I didn't find the cream cheese flavoring at any of my local stores.  I ordered it from King Arthur Flour.  It's a new product for them.  If you can't find non-dairy chocolate chips at a local health food store, they are available online.

                                                              Chocolate Cheesecake

1 1/2 cups chocolate graham cracker or chocolate cookie crumbs
2 tblsps. almonds, finely chopped
5 tblsp. stick margarine, melted

2 each 8 oz. pkg. soy cream cheese, softened
2 each 5.5 oz. pkg. goat cheese, softened
3 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cream cheese flavoring
3/4 cup non-dairy chocolate chips, melted

1 cup soy sour cream
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1/3 cup non-dairy chocolate chips

     Crust:  In a food processor or by hand, crush the cookie crumbs and chop the almonds.  Mix with melted margarine.  Press into the bottom of a 9-inch springform that has been sprayed with cooking spray.  Bake at 375 degrees for 7 minutes.  Remove from oven and set aside.
     Filling:  Mix the softened soy cream cheese and goat cheese in a mixer until light and fluffy.  Add eggs one at a time until each is completely incorporated.  Stop the mixer to scrape down the sides.  Add the sugar, vanilla, and cream cheese flavoring.
     Melt the non-dairy chocolate chips in the microwave being careful not to burn them.  Transfer the melted chips to a larger bowl.  Take several tablespoons of batter out and mix them with the melted chocolate chips to cool them.  When they are cooled, pour the mixture back into the batter and mix completely.  Pour over crust.  Before placing cheesecake in oven, put in several baking dishes of water.  This will create enough steam in the oven to prevent cracks in the top of the cheesecake.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes depending on your oven.  The cheesecake is done when the sides are firm and the center is nearly set.  Remove from oven and cool 5 minutes.
     Topping:  Mix together all ingredients except the non-dairy chocolate chips.  Melt the non-dairy chocolate chips and transfer them to another bowl.  Take a few teaspoons of the soy sour cream mixture and mix with the melted chocolate chips to cool them.  When the mixture is cool, mix with the soy sour cream mixture.  Pour over the cheesecake and smooth to the edges.  Return to oven for 5 minutes.
     Let the cheesecake cool to room temperature before placing it in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for at least four hours before serving.  Serve cold.  About 12 servings.
     Next week I'll be sharing a recipe for quesadillas with guacamole and soy sour cream.  See you then.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

     The other day my daughter had dinner with a friend and mentioned she had loaded baked potato soup for dinner.  That sounded so good to me, but I knew I could never order it out, but I could figure out how to make it at home.  By changing ingredients to ones I could have, my husband and I enjoyed the result.  I served it with sour dough rolls.  You can serve it with a salad on the side, but keep in mind this soup is rich and filling.

                                                           Loaded Baked Potato Soup

2 large or 3 medium baking potatoes
1/2 cup chopped turkey bacon,  ham, or Canadian bacon
3 tblsp. stick margarine
1/4 cup flour
2 1/2 cup lactose free milk
1 cup soy cheese blend cheddar, mozzarella and jack flavor
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. white pepper
1 tblsp. fresh snipped chives

     Peel potatoes and cut in 1/2 inch cubes.  Boil in salt water until cooked through, but still firm.  Drain and set aside.
     Meanwhile, in a saucepan sprayed with cooking oil, cook the meat until crispy.  Drain on paper towels and set aside.
     Drain any grease from the saucepan and melt the stick margarine in it.  Sift the flour over the melted margarine and whisk together.  Add the milk and whisk until smooth.  Cook over a medium flame whisking until the mixture begins to thicken.  Add the cheese, onion powder, salt, and white pepper and mix together until they are combined.  If they thicken too much, add more milk.  When the cheese has melted, add potatoes and meat.  If it's too difficult to stir in the potatoes and meat, the mixture is too thick, so add a little more milk.  Add in the snipped chives.  When all items are completely mixed in and the mixture is hot, the soup is ready to serve.  Makes 4 servings.
     Next week I'll share my recipe for chocolate cheesecake.  See you next time and enjoy the 4th of July!